Program: Bank Branch
Size: 250 m²
Cost: Not available
Sector: Private
Information: Not available
Recently at BuildBIM we have developed an exploratory pilot project for Banco Crédito e Inversiones BCI, which aims to deliver a diagnosis for a future implementation of an asset management system using BIM platforms.
To carry out this study, BuildBIM collected digital information from different sources, including a previous As-Built survey conducted by third parties (Project Information Model), asset listings and drawings, in addition to checking the conformity of the information through site visits. The objective was to create an accurate model specifically prepared for Asset Information Model (Asset Information Model), representing an updated status of the analyzed building, including the number and characteristics of the assets, with the purpose of using this model for the operation and exploitation phase.
In addition, as an added value, we investigated different software and platforms available for Facility Management or Asset Management that integrate the use of BIM in the information flow and work structure and that adapt to the specific requirements of the client.
For more information on how to implement a Facility and Asset Management strategy using BIM platforms, review the BCI Branch case study developed by BuildBIM.